Your turn to sing, my time to shine.



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panels_introduction [2010/04/11 08:01] lucypanels_introduction [2015/08/15 04:24] (current) – external edit
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 ---- ----
-**Control Menu** (appears when right-click the player panel)+==== Control Menu ==== 
-{{:pp_menu.png|}}+appears when right-click the player panel
-//Play/Pause (space):// Play or pause the playing file+{{:pp_menua.png|}}
-//File Info (Ctrl+I):// Click to see and edit file property, and to change album cover. +  * Play/Pause (space): Play or pause the playing file.  
 +  * File Info (Ctrl+I): Click to see and edit file property, and to change album cover.  
 +  * Play: Enables play/stop/go to previous/next song; and to open file from folders to play. 
 +  * Volume: Turns the volume up/down/off. 
 +  * Skin: Choose player skin from 3 preinstalled ones. 
 +  * Panel: On and off of other 3 panels. 
 +  * Always On Top: Ticking this option allows ComePlayer to appear on the top of the screen all the time. 
 +  * Language: To switch the language of CometPlayer among Simplified/traditional Chinese, and English. Clicking on "Help Translation" will direct users to the online translation centre. [[help_translating_cometplayer|Read more]] 
 +  * Options (O): Opens options for more advanced settings. [[options_description|Read more]] 
 +  * Exit: Exit CometPlayer and closes every panel
-//Play:// Enables play/stop/go to previous/next song; and to open file from folders to play. 
-//Volume:// Turns the volume up/down/off. +----
- +
-//Skin:// Choose player skin from 3 preinstalled ones. +
- +
-//Panel:// On and off of other 3 panels. +
- +
-//Always On Top:// Ticking this option allows ComePlayer to appear on the top of the screen all the time. +
- +
-//Options (O):// Opens options for more advanced settings. (detailed explanation in section 3) +
-//Exit:// Exit CometPlayer and closes every panel. +==== File Info ====
 +**File Properties:** Contains all the information of selected audio file. 
 +  * Label section: All information under this section can be changed. 
 +  * Format section: Information under this section can only be viewed but not changed.
 +  * Clicking on the up arrow to access the file information of previous song in the playlist.
 +  * Clicking on the down arrow to access the file information of next song in the playlist.
 +  * After making changes, click on //Save to File// to save the change or //Cancel// to cancel the change.
 +**Album Cover:** Shows the picture used for album cover of selected audio file. 
 +  * Add: To add an album cover by selecting a picture from a folder in your PC.
 +  * Remove: To remove the current album cover of the audio file.
 +  * Undo: To cancel the change you made just now.
 +  * If you added more than one album cover for an audio file, you can switch the pictures by clicking on the left/right arrow.
 +  * After making changes, click on //Save to File// to save the change or //Cancel// to cancel the change.
 ===== Playlist Panel ===== ===== Playlist Panel =====
Line 74: Line 88:
 ---- ----
-**Control Menu** (appears when right-click the playlist)+==== Control Menu ====  
 +Appears when right-click the playlist
 {{:plp_08.png|}} {{:plp_08.png|}}
-//Play:// To play the selected song. +  * Play: To play the selected song. 
- +  Add Files...: To add new audio files to playlist. 
-//Add Files...:// To add new audio files to playlist. +  Add Folder...: To add a whole folder of audio files to playlist.  
- +  Remove From List (Del): Remove the selected audio file from playlist. 
-//Add Folder...:// To add a whole folder of audio files to playlist.  +  Clear List: Delete all files in the playlist.  
- +  Open Containing Folder: Open the containing folder of the selected audio file. 
-//Remove From List (Del):// Remove the selected audio file from playlist. +  File Info (Ctrl+I): Click to see and edit file property, and to change album cover.
- +
-//Clear List:// Delete all files in the playlist.  +
- +
-//Open Containing Folder:// Open the containing folder of the selected audio file. +
- +
-//File Info (Ctrl+I):// Click to see and edit file property, and to change album cover.+
Line 115: Line 125:
 {{:eq_05.png|}}: To choose from preset and customized effects.  {{:eq_05.png|}}: To choose from preset and customized effects. 
 +{{:eq_06.png|}}: Drag the slider to adjust the ratio between left and right audio channels.
 +{{:eq_07.png|}}: Drag the slider to adjust the surround sound effects.
 +{{:eq_08.png|}}: Drag the slider to adjust the sound effect of audio files. Positive numbers indicate enhanced sound effect, negative numbers indicate reduced sound effect. It is not recommended to enhance sound effect, since it may cause signal distortion.
 +{{:eq_09.png|}}: Drag the slider to enhance or reduce wave bands. The parameters from left to right represent: 31kHz, 62kHz, 125kHz, 250kHz, 500kHz, 1000kHz, 2000kHz, 4000kHz, 8000kHz, and 16000kHz.
 ---- ----
panels_introduction.1270972909.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/08/15 04:24 (external edit)
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