Your turn to sing, my time to shine.
This is an old revision of the document!
File Type Association:
The audio formats CometPlayer supports are all listed here. You can set CometPlayer as default player for particular audio files by ticking the boxes here.
Keep file type association: checking this box enables the default association between CometPlayer and selected audio formats.
Hotkey configuration allows users to set their own keyboard shortcuts.
Double-click the action name to edit hotkey, press Esc to cancel input. Click “OK” to save the change.
Playing Control:
Audio fade in/out
Audio fade in/out means the sound comes out/stops gradually in terms of volume. The numbers indicate the time range of fade in and fade out. Checking the boxes will enable volume fade in and out when music starts and stops.
Colour and font
Tray Icon
Program Startup
Auto Updates
Check for updates every week: CometPlayer will automatically search for updates and new version every week; a pop-up dialog will appear to notify updates or upgraded versions.
Download updates: Allows CometPlayer to download updates automatically.
Auto Report
Report usage statistical information automatically: Reports number of users of CometPlayer to our R&D for statistical use.
This option enables users to select the player skin they prefer by double-clicking the skin name.
Click “Apply” will provide a preview of the new skin.
The button “Edit” and “New” are complicated and advanced settings of skin, which are more developer oriented. Simpler skin editor is under development and hope to be added in future versions.
Additional information of CometPlayer are shown here.
Clink the links will direct users to its homepage and support forum.